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January 18th to 25th, 2022 : Diocese of Shimoga organised "Christian Unity Octave", week-long prayers in various Churches for Christian Unity. Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga as well as President of Commission for Ecumenism inaugurated the "Christian Unity Octave" Prayer week.

Rev. Fr Jerome OCD, Secretary for the Ecumenism commission together with deaneries as well as other Christian denominations organised the prayers in various Churches.

In the Holy Family Deanery Rev. Fr Shaji SDB, secretary for United Christian Forum organised the "Unity Octave" programmes together with clergy as well as with the pastors of the district.

Concluding programme was held at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Shivamogga. Cathedral Parish Priest Fr Stany D'Souza together with Fr Jerome Moras OCD organised the programme. Bishop Francis Serrao Sj, presided over the programme. Fr Francis Fernandes led the programme.

Bishop Francis congratulated and thanked all those who were involved in making "Unity Octave week" a success in the Diocese of Shimoga. He thanked specially newly appointed Ecumenism Director Rev. Fr Jerome Moras OCD.

Pontifical Council for promoting Christian Unity, Vatican organises "Unity Octave week" from January 18-25 every year and invites Churches all around the globe to follow the same to promote and poster Christian Unity.

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