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Bengaluru October 1, 2022: Divine Mercy Retreat Center (DMRC), Halasuru, Archdiocese of Bangalore organised two days Konkani Convention of Bro. Prakash D'Souza and team Divine Mercy Prayer group of Mumbai together with Fr Franklin D'Souza of Diocese of Shimoga and Fr Roshan Montero OCD from Bangalore at Our Lady of Lourdes Church premises, Halasuru. Theme of the convention was "Jesus the Healer". Bro. William D'Souza led the Praise and Worship.

Retreat began at 3pm with Praise and Worship by Fr Franklin D'Souza and Bro. William D'Souza. At 3:30pm inauguration was organised by the organizers by leaving the white balloons and pigeons. Then DMRC Director Rev. Fr Anthony Prasad installed the Bible and blessed retreat with a prayer. Bro. Prakash D'Souza, Mr. Silvanus - President of FKCA, Mrs. Nelli - Main Cordinator of the Retreat, Mr. David Ishtaki - Chairman of BCCRS, Rev. Fr Deva Sagayam - Assistant Director of the DMRC and Bro. Amruth - Secretary of DMRC were present on the dais.




















At 3:45pm to 4:30pm Fr Franklin D'Souza led a session on " Prayer the God hears" with parable from Luke 18:9-14. Then praise and worship led by the team. At 5pm Bro. Prakash D'Souza spoke on the topic "importance of the Word of God". Then he led the adoration together with Fr Franklin D'Souza.

At 7pm Archbishop Emeritus Most Rev. Dr Bernard Moras, of Archdiocese of Bangalore celebrated Holy Eucharist and preached a homily on "Jesus the Healer".

DMRC Director Rev. Fr Anthony Prasad thanked Archbishop Emeritus Bernard Moras.

First days convention concluded at 8pm.

Day 1 part 1: https://youtu.be/LSETMNs5Qaw

Day 1 Part 2: https://youtu.be/zy3OUFJYjw8

Day 2 : https://youtu.be/z3wbWS-D8KA

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