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Chitradurga, Hiriyur, May 13, 2023 : Fr Franklin D’Souza, a Priest of the Diocese of Shimoga completed 24years as Ordained Priest on May 10,2023.

He was Ordained on May 10,1999 at undivided Parish St. Ignatius Loyola Church, Paladka, together with Fr Barthalomeo Lancy D'Souza for the Diocese of Shimoga by Most Rev. Dr Bernard Moras then Bishop of Diocese of Belgaum, Later he became Archbishop of Archdiocese of Bangalore.

At present Fr Franklin D'Souza belongs to St. Francis Xavier's Church, Murkothpalke and Fr Lancy D'Souza belongs to Holy Spirit Church, Sampige both Parishes belongs to Diocese of Mangalore.

On 10th Fr Franklin D'Souza visited his native place for voting. He voted together with his Mother at 7:30am. Then thanking Almighty God he together with his mother visited three Churches. Namely; 1. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Parappadi, Karkala. 2. St. Lawrence Basilica, Karkala. 3. St. Anthony's Chapel, Pakala, Belmannu.

Evening he celebrated Holy Eucharist at home with his Mother Lilly D'Souza (80) and family members and thanked God for the gift of Vocation and mission.

On May 12,2023 at 7pm he celebrated thanksgiving Holy Eucharist together with Fr Alphonse Nelson D'Souza at his parish Our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur, Chitradurga District. Good number of faithful were present for the thanksgiving Holy Eucharist.

He remembered late Rev. Fr Alwyn Serrao his classmate during the mass and prayed for him. He also remembered other Priests his classmates who are serving in the Diocese of Shimoga, Rev. Fr Stephen Maxi Albuquerque, Chancellor of the Diocese of Shimoga as well as Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Tirthahalli and Rev. Fr Barthalomeo Lancy D'Souza, Parish Priest of Immaculate Conception of Mary Church, Newtown, Bhadravati.

He also thanked God for all his batchmates who are celebrating their Silver Jubilee this year. He specially remembered all those who wished him and prayed for him.

Message by Ancy, Paladka

Fr. Franky, a priest dynamic and true,
Celebrates his 24th year of ordination anew,
Hailing from our humble *palke*, he has shone,
Guiding us with his faith, like a light that's grown.

From humble beginnings, he rose to great heights,
With a heart full of love and a spirit that ignites,
His ministry, like a river, flows far and wide,
Bringing comfort, healing, and peace in every stride.

With his words, he inspires us to be our best,
To love and serve others, and to never rest,
In our quest to live a life of faith and hope,
To reach out to those in need, and to help them cope.

His retreats have been a source of spiritual renewal,
A time to connect with God and feel his gentle renewal.
His words have been like balm to our weary souls,
Offering hope and peace that make us feel whole.

He has been a shining example of faith and devotion,
Leading us towards a deeper spiritual motion.
His kindness and humility have touched our hearts,
And he has been a beacon of hope that never departs.

As we celebrate this special day of his priesthood,
We pray that God continues to bless his livelihood.
May his ministry continue to flourish and grow,
Touching more hearts and souls as he goes.

For 24 years, he has dedicated his life to God,
Answering the call, wherever it may prod,
His faith unwavering, his spirit unbroken,
A true servant of God, with a heart that's outspoken.

Fr. Franky, we celebrate your 24th year of ordination,
With gratitude and love, and deep appreciation,
For all that you've done, and all that you'll do,
May God bless you abundantly, and guide you anew.

- *Ancy Paladka* with family

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Rev. Fr. Philiph Franky D’Souza
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