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Bengaluru, Siluvepura, December 3, 2023: Second and final day's retreat began at 10am with Praise and Worship and talk led by Bro. T. K. George and Bro. Kiran. Then at 11:30am Prolife Manjula Joy spoke on "Forgiveness". At 12:30pm Fr Franklin D'Souza gave a talk on "healing through prayer and the word of God ".

After the lunch break at 2:15pm Bro. T. K. George and Bro. Kiran led the Praise and Worship. Then Bro. T. K. George spoke on "honouring God and Parents".

At 4pm Fr Franklin D'Souza led the healing and anointing Adoration. At 5pm Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist together with Parish Priest Fr Vincent Santhosh.

Parish Priest Fr Vincent Santhosh thanked the team and all those who organised the retreat.

End of the retreat Parishioners felicitated Fr Franklin D’Souza on his Golden birthday and Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee.

Retreat concluded at 6pm.


























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