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Chitradurga, April 1,2024: Holy Week and Easter Triduum celebrated at Our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur, Chitradurga District, Diocese of Shimoga.

Parish Priest Fr Franklin D'Souza led the Holy week ceremony. On March 24th at 8am Palms were blessed at the Church Grounds and there was a short procession led by Fr Franklin D'Souza. Holy Eucharist was celebrated and importance of the Holy Week was explained in the homily.

From 25th March to 27th March, 5pm to 9pm retreat was organised for the parishioners. Bro. Mahime Raj, Bro. Andrew Reddy and Bro. Abhishek led the retreat together with the Parish Priest. Confessions were organised in March 27th at 7pm.

On March 28th, Fr Franklin D'Souza led the Maundy Thursday ceremony. Ceremony began at 6pm. In his homily Fr Franklin D'Souza explained about institution of Priesthood, Eucharist and Call to serve. He washed the feet of 12 parishioners to commemorate the act of love done by the Lord Jesus himself.

On March 29th, Good Friday at 10:30am Way of the Cross was led by Fr Franklin D’Souza. It was organised in the Church grounds. A large number of faithful took part in the Way of the Cross.

At 3pm Good Friday ceremony started in the Church. Word of God, Passion narrative, Adoration of the Cross and Communion. Holy Communion was shifted to another place for Adoration. From 8pm to 9pm in Kannada, 9pm to 10pm in Konkani, 10pm to 11pm in Tamil and 11pm yo 12am in Malayalam language faithful led the adoration.

Vigil of Easter began on March 30th 11pm with blessing of the fire and blessing the Easter Candle. Fr Franklin D'Souza led the ceremony he sang the Exultant. Faithful read 7 readings of Old Testament and Sang 7 Psalms. Easter Mass began with unveiling the Resurrected Jesus's image. Gloria was sung and bells rang. Fr Franklin D'Souza explained in his homily about the power and meaning of Resurrection. Blessing of the Baptismal font and Renewal of the baptismal promises were done. Liturgy concluded at 2am. Easter sweets were organised by the parishioners.

On March 31st Easter day Mass began at 9am and concluded at 10:30am.

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