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April 3, 2024: Karnataka Regional Service of Communion (KRSC) with the blessings of its Episcopal Advisor Most Rev. Dr Lawrence Mukkuzhy, Bishop of Diocese of Belthangady organised One day program of Priests those who are in Renewal in the Dioceses and Religious congregations of Church of Karnataka.

Program began at 10am with Prayer led by Fr Franklin D'Souza, Spiritual Director of KRSC. KRSC Coordinator Bro. Cherian Ramapuram read the Word of God and gave the reflection and Bishop Lawrence blessed the program.

At 10:15am Fr Franklin D’Souza welcomed the Bishop, Coordinator, Rev. Fr Richard Pais, Director of the Pastoral center & KROSS and the participants. Participants introduced themselves to the gathering. Then Fr Franklin D'Souza introduced the program.

At 10:30am Bishop Lawrence shared the Vision of KRCBC for the Church of Karnataka and he spoke as Spiritfilled Priests how can we help the Church and the laity to serve the Church. He said that Renewal is the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church.

At 11am Bro. Cherian Ramapuram spoke from the laity point of view how they look at the Church and its ministers. He enlightened that zeal of the laity to serve the Church. Renewal has enlightened many laity who are really committed to the Church. What laity needs is encouragement and push to sustain in their Charisms from the part of the priests.

At 11:15am Director of Logos Retreat Centre, Bengaluru, Rev. Fr Jose Vettiyankal VC enlightened the group on gifts and Charisms. He quoted from CCC, Vatican Council II, Canon Law and from the Holy Bible the mission of the Church specially Priests and also Priests those who are in renewal. He told that his Centre is ready to help the priests to understand their Charisms and mission.

At 11:45am after the tea break there was interaction between the participants. Bishop Lawrence chaired the session. Opinions of the particular were noted down. Bishop proposed some suggestions for the Jubilee year 2025.

12:30pm Eucharistic Adoration was led by Bishop Lawrence. At 1pm Fr Jose Vettiyankal VC led Healing Holy Eucharist and gave a homily on importance of Holy Eucharist and how healing from Lord Jesus woks in the Eucharist. Then he led the healing prayers for the priests.

On behalf of KRSC Fr Franklin D'Souza thanked Bishop Lawrence, Fr Jose Vettiyankal, KRSC Coordinator Bro. Cherian Ramapuram, Pastoral center Director Fr Richard Pais and the participants.

Total 25 priests from all over Karnataka took part in the program.

KRSC Secretary Bro. Thomas Chinnappa, KRSC Ex Coordinator Bro. Joachim Pinto and KRSC member Abhishek were present.

Program concluded with lunch at 2pm.

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