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And so neither did I commit any wrong doing. But I, Cyprian Andrade, would give thanks to our Lord Almighty, who gave me Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ and through the intercession of our heavenly Mother Mary.

It was a normal Sunday where after attending morning 2nd Mass, just returning to my residence with my family, where before entering I was confronted by four men dressed in casuals/formals to just sit in their car and discuss something. Since I was a Civil Contractor (construction) as well as a Floral Stage Decorator, assumed it could be something related. As I sat, the car just departed in full speed knowing not where it was taking me. On the way they said that they are from CCB, related to an enquiry and I will be back before evening. My family was totally not aware of the matter. This happened on February 06, 2022.

After further interrogations, it was made known that I was arrested under different sections, IPC and POCSO Act. It was a big blow to me and my family as we were all unaware about any of this. But I still didn’t lose hope. I was relieved with the promise ‘when God is for us who can be against us?’

Days went by and further interrogations did not prove anything against me. But it was known that persons who were captives under this Act would go a long way, never to return. Meanwhile a lawyer who agreed to fight the case also was in a 50:50 chances. My wife Raina Andrade was in great distress as she had to handle home, my routine construction work, society, well wishers, friends and family with heavy heart. I have a little 6 years old daughter and she was completely unaware about all of this. My family had to go through all insults and indifferences within the neighborhood, society, friends and family. Yet, me not knowing all this, my wife faced everything with courage and determination. She followed up everything. It was a very hard time. She had no support, no finance, no sleep, and was mentally disturbed. Yet she managed. All praise and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ!

I could communicate with my wife and child only for 6 mins. in a week.

We have a Grotto opposite to my residence, the grotto of Mother Mary at Rosa Mystica compound, wherein recently miracles had started taking place. The localites had seen the Heavenly Lady appear. From then on, my wife and family were praying at this grotto for my freedom. Knowing the situation, Sister Juliet (Bethany Nun) from Rosa Mystica Convent, there prayed keeping hands over my wife’s head. Then after my wife Raina and I had received a message in the vision on a same day that I will be soon released from the clutches of the devil. Without knowing anything, my little daughter was also praying with concentration with Mother Mary for my quick return to home. My wife attended the retreat by Rev. Fr. Franklin held at St. Ann’s Friary, Bejai, Mangalore on April 01, 2022. Further too, my wife with family members, attended the retreat of Bro. Prakash of Divine Mercy Konkani Charismatic Group, Bandra, Mumbai, held at Infant Jesus Shrine at Bikarnakatte on April 03, 2022. She was promised the same assurance. Bro. Prakash, Fr. Franklin and Sr. Juliet, all 3 of them gave us ‘Word of God Quotes’ to recite continuously which we did with full faith. We also prayed to Vailankanni Mai and St. Antony saint of Miracles. Also paid frequent visits to Infant Jesus Shrine at Bikarnakatte and Holy Cross at Holy Hill Capitanio and continued our prayers with a great faith.

Hearings by the court were held, but nothing was declared against me, until when on one instance the victim, a minor didn’t identify me and clearly mentioned that I was not involved in the criminal act. This happened on April 11, 2022. A sigh of relief, a victory began ringing in my heart. All things are possible with Christ our Lord! The plea for bail was applied for thereon.

By this time I had already completed 2.5 months of captivity for no reason, for a crime which I never had committed and never heard of. By the grace of our Lord, I am glad to say that I was not tortured in any way in the custody.

Finally the plea for bail was granted and I was set free and released from custody after 80 days on April 26, 2022.

Only God can turn :
Mess into a Message,
A Test into a Testimony,
A Trial into a Triumph,
A Victim into a Victory.

God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His Wisdom, but we simply have to trust His Will (Psalm 37:5)

Thank you Jesus! Thank you Mother Mary! Thank you St. Antony! Thank you Infant Jesus! Thank you Holy Cross! Thank you Vailankanni Mai! All glory be to the Blessed Trinity!

At this point, we both would like to thank whole heartedly Bro. Prakash, Fr. Franklin, Sr. Juliet for their continued prayers & support during the time of our agony. We are also thankful to our parents, family members and all those who involved in prayers & support, in one way or the other during our hard painful time.

Once again thank you all.

We ask pardon for the delay in Testimony.

With Regards and assurance of prayers,

Cyprian Andrade
Gurpur – Kaikamba
Mangalore – D.K.
Contact No. 9916262511 (Cyprian) 9481271007 (Raina)


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